Can You Get New Zealand Citizenship By Marriage


Marriage is one of the most efficient ways to gain citizenship in New Zealand. It is seen as an boundless, faster and legal path for many people who seek to settle in New Zealand and obtain citizenship. In this article, we will explore to what extent marriage can help a person gain New Zealand citizenship.

Background Information

There are several paths to becoming a citizen of New Zealand. Generally speaking, if you are legally present in New Zealand on a visa for at least five years, have held a residence permit for at least three years and are either employed or self-employed for two years, you may be eligible to apply for citizenship. Another path is by marrying a New Zealand citizen. In this case, the spouse of the New Zealand citizen is given a residence permit for a period of two years, after which they may apply for citizenship.

Marriage to a New Zealand Citizen

Marriage to a New Zealand citizen is not the only path to obtaining citizenship. The process does, however, provide an immediate pathway to residency in the country and offers potential for much quicker citizenship. This is because New Zealand has very strict regulations on immigration, and there are very few other legal paths to gaining citizenship through marriage.
It is important to note that, under New Zealand law, marriage to a New Zealand citizen does not automatically lead to citizenship. The couple must remain legally married for at least two years before the spouse can apply for citizenship. It is also important that the marriage is not entered into solely for the purpose of gaining citizenship.

The Process

The process of applying for citizenship through marriage begins when the New Zealand citizen spouse applies for a residence permit for the foreign spouse on the basis of their marriage. To be eligible for a residence permit, the couple must be able to demonstrate that they are in a genuine, committed and exclusive relationship.
Once the foreign spouse has held the residence permit for two years, he or she is eligible to apply for citizenship. They must also meet other criteria, including having a good knowledge of English and having an awareness of New Zealand, its people and its culture.

Potential Challenges

The process of obtaining citizenship through marriage can be challenging. The couple must meet the strict criteria necessary to secure a residence permit. The bureaucratic process can take time and can be expensive. Furthermore, if the couple divorces before the two year mark, the foreign partner must reapply for a residence permit and start the process again.

Expert Perspectives

As the pathway to New Zealand citizenship through marriage is so limited, there is not a lot of information available. However, there are some experts who have shared their perspectives on the matter.
Attorney Laine Johnson, a specialist in New Zealand immigration law, notes that for those seeking New Zealand citizenship through marriage, it is important to “ensure that the marriage is not solely for the purposes of obtaining residence or citizenship.” She also adds that “good knowledge of English and some awareness of New Zealand, its people and its culture will be invaluable in facing the obstacles to gaining New Zealand citizenship through marriage.”


Gaining citizenship of New Zealand through marriage can be one of the most efficient ways to become a citizen of this wonderful country. However, it requires commitment and dedication on the part of the couple, and can be somewhat challenging. With the correct preparation and guidance, though, it can be successful.

Potential Benefits

The potential benefits of gaining New Zealand citizenship through marriage are significant. As a citizen of New Zealand, you are able to access education, healthcare, employment and other services on the same level of entitlement as all New Zealand citizens. You also have the freedom to travel and live in New Zealand without having to apply for a visa every few years.

Furthermore, as a citizen of New Zealand, you are able to vote in local and national elections, sponsor family members and apply for public office. This gives you a greater level of control over your own destiny, and gives you a level of stability.

Expert Advice

Experts advise that when considering the option of gaining New Zealand citizenship through marriage, it is important to consider the long-term implications. If you are considering entering into a marriage for the purpose of gaining citizenship, you should make sure that you are in a genuine, committed and exclusive relationship. This is necessary to ensure that your relationship will remain strong even after the initial two-year period necessary for citizenship purposes.

It is also important to remember that marriage to a New Zealand citizen will not automatically guarantee citizenship. The couple must remain legally married for at least two years in order for the foreign partner to be eligible to apply for citizenship. Furthermore, the foreign partner must meet New Zealand’s criteria for citizenship, including having a good command of English and having an awareness of New Zealand, its people and its culture.

Legal Resources

To access the full details of New Zealand’s immigration laws and regulations, and to gain more detailed advice on the process of gaining citizenship through marriage, it is advisable to seek legal advice from a qualified lawyer. There are numerous legal and immigration resources available online, as well as a range of legal services specifically devoted to helping those seeking to gain New Zealand citizenship through marriage.

Cost of Citizenship Through Marriage

The cost of gaining citizenship through marriage is highly dependent on the circumstances of the couple. The fees associated with applying for a residence permit and a citizenship application are relatively low, and the majority of the costs associated with the process come from legal fees. Depending on the service provider, these legal fees can vary drastically. It is wise to take the time to research the services available to you, and to make sure that you are getting the best possible advice and assistance in the process.

Impact on the New Zealand Economy

The granting of New Zealand citizenship to foreign individuals through marriage can have a positive impact on the New Zealand economy. By granting citizenship, the country is able to attract skilled individuals who can bring unique skills and perspectives to the nation. These individuals can contribute to the local job market and help to create a more diverse and dynamic economy. They can also bring in new investments and business opportunities, helping to expand the scope of the New Zealand economy.

Additionally, the granting of citizenship also helps to strengthen relationships with other countries, particularly those from where the foreign partner originates. This can help to foster closer business ties and diplomatic relationships between New Zealand and these nations, providing an increased level of economic and political stability.

Diana Booker

Diana D. Booker is a freelance writer and editor based in Auckland, New Zealand. She has over 20 years' experience writing and editing for various publications. Diana is passionate about telling stories that capture the spirit of the country she loves and enjoys exploring its unique culture and landscape.

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