How Many New Zealanders Live Overseas

Living Overseas: How Many New Zealanders Leave the Country?

New Zealanders are renowned for their love of travel. However, with the country’s far-flung location meaning that it often takes days to reach other countries, many Kiwis face the challenge of staying put indefinitely in an effort to save money and avoid inconveniences such as visa requirements. As a result, some inquiring minds may be asking – how many New Zealanders actually live overseas?
The answer to this question depends on certain factors, such as the country’s overall population and the amount of Kiwis that opt to work or study abroad. A quick look at Statistics New Zealand’s latest statistical analysis reveals that over 300,000 New Zealanders are currently living outside of their homeland. This figure is broken down into those that were born overseas (26.6% of New Zealand’s total overseas population) and those that have recently arrived in their current destinations (73.4% of the overseas population).

Reasons for Leaving the Country

Of course, we can only speculate as to the reasons why so many New Zealanders choose to up sticks and relocate to other countries. Studies have suggested that the ‘pull’ factors of lucrative job opportunities and higher wages elsewhere are a major factor in these moves. It’s no surprise, considering New Zealanders who take the plunge and move abroad often find themselves gaining access to far better options in terms of education, job security, and career prospects.
However, the ‘push’ factors of why New Zealanders may seek to leave their homeland can arguably be just as strong. The cost of living, an oft-cited reason for relocating, has been on the rise in New Zealand over the past decade. Coupled with the fact that salaries have lagged behind in comparison to other developed countries, this could be a significant factor in many people’s decision to leave.

The Impact of Living Overseas

Naturally, the decision to move overseas can come with its fair share of pitfalls. In terms of leaving family and friends behind, New Zealanders may experience pangs of homesickness now and again. Then again, with the advent of video-calling and other forms of face-to-face communication, this is not necessarily the challenge it was once perceived to be.
New Zealanders that move abroad also face the risk of language barriers. Even if they manage to pick up the basics of a foreign language, the balancing act of learning both their host country’s vernacular and English at the same time can be difficult.

The Immigration and Emigration Landscape

Statistics New Zealand tracks the movement of people in and out of the country annually. Recent analysis reveals an overall decrease in immigration in the past decade. The 2008/2009 financial year saw an all-time high of 57,605 people granted a residence visa, while the 2018/2019 financial year saw a significant decrease to only 33,757 successful applications for residence visas.
Conversely, Statistics New Zealand records that emigration of New Zealanders has slightly increased in recent years. Approximately 108,247 Kiwis left the country in 2018 compared to 102,120 in 2008. This suggests that the number of people moving away to a foreign land has been on the rise over the past 10 years.

Living Abroad as a Permanent Option

Of course, if one decides to move abroad for any reason, there needs to be careful consideration for whether they will live there permanently or for a shorter period of time. For some, the latter may be the best option. They may wish to gain valuable work experience in a new context, or take the opportunity to save substantial amounts of money by working in a higher paying country.
For those looking to stay away from New Zealand permanently, a decision to start a family in a foreign context can prove to be a major challenge. Balancing the needs of providing a safe and nurturing environment for one’s children with the allure of exploring new opportunities may be a difficult one to make.


It’s clear that the decision to leave New Zealand is one that should not be lightly taken. The same can be said of the decision whether to move home permanently. There is no denying that opportunities in other countries can be valuable and potentially life-changing, but being able to make the most of them depends largely on thoughtful preparation. Those who keep these considerations in mind should find that their move overseas can be as successful and rewarding as they hoped.

Retaining Connections to New Zealand

For New Zealanders living abroad, it is important to remember that ties to their homeland ought to be kept alive. This can be done by joining friendship groups with fellow expats, engaging with the local New Zealand community, and taking the time to stay in touch with friends and family back home. Doing so will ensure that no matter how far away one’s new home may be, that person will never be too far away from their native roots.

Maintaining Identity and Culture

Although a move overseas can prove to be incredibly exciting and open up a world of opportunities, it can also throw up cultural assignments. One should make sure to take every opportunity to keep their own unique identity and culture alive in order to circumvent the risk of assimilation into the host country or culture. It may even prove beneficial to join a local Maori language class if available and use Maori words or phrases when possible with friends and acquaintances.

Living Overseas as a Learning Experience

Ultimately, living overseas is a learning experience and a great opportunity to immerse in a new culture. Many New Zealanders find the experience to be incredibly enriching and open up doors to undiscovered talents or even future job opportunities. Immersing oneself in the local culture can be a great way of broadening one’s horizons and developing confidence in navigating a foreign land.

Developing New Perspectives

In addition to learning, living overseas can also be incredibly rewarding from a personal perspective. Being able to look at one’s homeland from afar can often offer a brand new perspective. It can help one to appreciate the amazing qualities of their own country and also gain insight into different ways of life.

Openness in New Experiences

Regardless of whether one is moving abroad for a brief period of time or for the long run, one should always keep an open mind when encountering a new culture. There will inevitably be differences in language, food, traditions, customs – and it can be very enlightening to take the time to learn and understand them. Being able to adjust and assimilate to a new culture can offer a huge sense of fulfillment and immersion in one’s new home.

Adaptation to New Challenges and New Horizons

Finally, it is important to remember that the journey of living overseas may have its good days and its bad days. As such, one should always remain open to taking the time to stop and appreciate the journey, rather than hurry through it. This can often enable one to look back on their experience with a grateful heart and find comfort in the knowledge that they have grown with each new experience. Adapting to life in a new country can often open up new horizons and offer invaluable growth, self-discovery, and experience.

Diana Booker

Diana D. Booker is a freelance writer and editor based in Auckland, New Zealand. She has over 20 years' experience writing and editing for various publications. Diana is passionate about telling stories that capture the spirit of the country she loves and enjoys exploring its unique culture and landscape.

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