How To Move To New Zealand From The United States


People from the United States might consider moving to New Zealand for different reasons. It could be to live in a different environment or for career opportunities. Whatever the cause may be, one must first take into consideration if they are eligible to move. Then, they must think about the visa requirements, the cost of living, and the job market in New Zealand. It is also essential to be aware of the cultural differences, access to healthcare, and transportation costs. For those who are interested in the relocation process, there is information in this article on how to move to New Zealand from the United States.


The first step for those interested in relocating to New Zealand from the United States is to see if you are eligible to apply for a visa. Generally, younger applicants between the ages of 18-30 are given more priority than those over the age of 30. Additionally, people will need to prove that they have sufficient financial resources to cover the cost of living in New Zealand for at least 12 months.

There are different types of visas available for U.S. citizens looking to move to New Zealand. The two most popular options are the Work to Residence visa and the Skilled Migrant visa. The Work to Residence visa is beneficial for those who are looking to find a job in New Zealand. This visa grants the applicant up to 24 months of residency in the country. The Skilled Migrant visa is ideal for those who already have a job lined up in New Zealand. With this visa, the applicant can receive permanent residency in the country.

The immigration process to New Zealand can take up to six months to complete. Applicants should be aware of the fact that they will need to provide government-issued documents such as a passport, medical records, and proof of financial means.

Cost of Living

Once the visa process is completed, applicants should start thinking about the cost of living in New Zealand. An individual will need to cover costs for accommodation, transportation, leisure, and groceries. It is important to be mindful of the fact that prices in New Zealand are higher than in the United States. The average cost of living in major cities such as Auckland and Wellington is estimated to be between $3000 to $5000 per month. Rent in Auckland could cost up to $2000 per month for a basic one-bedroom apartment. Additionally, applicants should expect to pay hefty prices for vehicles, gasoline, and electricity.

Job Market

The job market in New Zealand is significantly different from the one in the United States. Before arriving, it is beneficial to research the job market in the chosen city. The job market is more competitive in major cities, so it is recommended to apply for positions in advance. Jobs in the hospitality and tourism industry are the most popular for those who want to find temporary work in New Zealand. Those who are looking for more permanent employment should consider the technology, finance, and pharmaceutical industries.

It is worth noting that the minimum wage in New Zealand is higher than the one in the United States. The average minimum wage in New Zealand varies between $17.70 and $18.90, depending on the type of job and the region. That being said, salaries vary significantly between cities. For example, entry-level positions in major cities can pay around $50,000 – $60,000 per year. On the other hand, jobs in smaller towns pay about $40,000 per year on average.

Cultural Differences

Moving to a new country can be a daunting process for some, and it is essential to familiarize oneself with the local culture and customs. New Zealand is well known for its unique culture and stunning national parks. People in New Zealand are generally laid back and warm. However, it is worth noting that the locals can be quite passive when it comes to expressing emotions. In addition, it is important to note that English is the main language spoken in New Zealand, and different dialects and accents can be heard depending on the region.

New Zealand is a predominantly Christian country, and the local culture is centered around religious practices. There are plenty of churches and religious festivals that are celebrated throughout the year. It is important to be mindful of the local customs, such as being quiet in public spaces and being respectful in religious ceremonies. New Zealand is also well known for its diverse and vibrant cultural scene. There are plenty of galleries, theatres, and cultural events that can be enjoyed year-round.

Access to Healthcare

Healthcare access in New Zealand is relatively easy and straightforward. The public health system, known as the National Health Service (NHS), is free for all citizens and permanent residents. People who do not have permanent residency in the country might be able to access free healthcare if they meet certain requirements. However, it is important to note that not all treatments are covered by the NHS, such as dental care, optical care, and certain medications.

Those who are not eligible for free healthcare can purchase private health insurance. This type of insurance covers a wider range of treatments, and it is significantly more expensive than the NHS. Insurance plans can vary, so it is important to compare the different options before making a decision.


Public transportation in New Zealand is reliable and affordable. The major cities have an extensive network of buses, trains, and ferries that can take commuters to their desired destinations. Public transportation is significantly cheaper than owning a car in the country. However, it is important to note that public transportation in New Zealand is not as fast or as frequent as it is in the United States. That being said, it is still a viable option for those who want to make their daily commute more economical.

Those who prefer to have their own form of transportation should note that the cost of owning a car in New Zealand is higher than it is in the United States. Prices vary significantly between different models and manufacturers. Additionally, it is important to be aware of registration and insurance costs. These can add up to a hefty sum, so it is wise to plan ahead.

Leaving the United States

For those who decide to move to New Zealand from the United States, it is important to plan for the journey ahead. Shipping personal items overseas can be costly, so it is worth considering taking only the items that are necessary. It is recommended to start planning for the relocation process at least six months before the planned move date. Furthermore, applicants should be prepared to deal with bureaucracy and paperwork in both countries.

It is beneficial to research visa, insurance, and transport options in advance to avoid any surprises. There are plenty of companies that offer services to help individuals and families relocate to New Zealand. It is a good idea to work with a reputable provider to ensure a smooth move.

Housing Market

The house market in New Zealand is quite expansive. Prices vary significantly between cities, depending on availability and location. In major cities such as Auckland and Wellington, housing prices tend to be higher than most parts of the United States. It is important to note that the market is competitive in these cities, and prices can fluctuate quite quickly.

Those who are looking for more affordable housing might consider looking outside of the major cities. Smaller towns such as Whangarei and Napier have some great housing opportunities. Additionally, there are plenty of rural properties in the country for those who are interested in settling in a rural area.

Apartments might be the best option for newcomers in the country. Depending on the size and location, they can cost between $750 and $1500 per month. House prices vary depending on the size, age, and location. Generally, the prices for 3-bedroom homes can range between $350,000 and $600,000. It is important to be mindful of the fact that a deposit will be needed to secure a rental or a purchase.


Moving to New Zealand from the United States can be an exciting process for those who are interested in experiencing a new culture and environment. Before making the move, it is essential to understand the visa requirements, the cost of living, the job market, and the cultural differences in the new country. It is also important to be aware of the housing and transportation options in New Zealand. With proper planning, the relocation process should be a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Diana Booker

Diana D. Booker is a freelance writer and editor based in Auckland, New Zealand. She has over 20 years' experience writing and editing for various publications. Diana is passionate about telling stories that capture the spirit of the country she loves and enjoys exploring its unique culture and landscape.

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