How To Work In New Zealand As A Filipino

How to Work in New Zealand as a Filipino

New Zealand is increasingly becoming an international go-to destination for working opportunities. An ideal work destination due to its close proximity to the Philippines, excellent working culture and the extended visa programs for Filipino citizens, New Zealand is a great option for those wishing to build a career overseas.

For those interested in working in New Zealand, it’s important to understand the different visa requirements and options available to Filipinos. Depending on your skills and qualifications, you may need to apply for a work visa or residence visa. It’s important to note that the New Zealand government has strict criteria when it comes to work visas and residence visas.

Work Visa Requirements

In most cases, you will need to meet a specific set of criteria for a work visa application. These criteria vary depending on your skills and occupation, so it is important to research and understand which visa is most suitable for your circumstances. Generally, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a citizen of the Philippines, or hold a Philippine passport.
  • You must have the necessary skills and qualifications for the job you will be doing in New Zealand.
  • Your potential employer must be able to prove that no other New Zealand citizen or visa holder was qualified for the job.

Furthermore, the New Zealand government has introduced restrictions on certain types of work visas. This is to ensure that the visa is only applied for specific jobs and the holder is able to successfully integrate into life in New Zealand.

Visa Extension Options

Once a work visa has been granted, a Filipino citizen can then look at various visa extension options such as the Essential Skills Work Visa Extension and the Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa Extension. Each offers different benefits and criteria for approval.

The Essential Skills Work Visa Extension is for those wishing to stay and work in New Zealand for long-term, while the Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa Extension is for those wanting to work in high-skilled job roles with an accredited employer. Both visas require the applicant to meet certain criteria, including English language proficiency and health insurance.

It is also possible to apply for a temporary work visa under certain circumstances. This enables the visa holder to stay in New Zealand for a limited period of time (usually three months). It is important to note that most employers will only accept visa holders with the appropriate skills and qualifications.

Finding a Job

Finding a job in New Zealand can be difficult. Thankfully, there are several recruitment agencies and other organisations that can help connect you with the right employer. Here are some of the most popular job search websites:

  • Seek NZ: An online job portal with thousands of opportunities.
  • Work and Income: The official Government job search website.
  • Trade Me Jobs: A popular job website in New Zealand.
  • Language Requirements

    One major requirement for obtaining a visa is having a good command of the English language. Before applying for a visa, it’s important to consider whether your English skills are up to the standard required. You may also need to provide evidence, such as qualification certificates, of your language level.

    In addition, it’s important to remember that New Zealand has two official languages – English and Maori. While Maori is not required for visa applications, it is useful to be familiar with the language and culture of the country you are planning to work in.

    Culture and Values

    New Zealand has a unique culture and strong values that may be different from those of the Philippines. It’s important to familiarise yourself with these before applying for a visa or job, and to make sure you understand and abide by New Zealand laws and regulations.

    It’s also important to remember that New Zealand is a multi-cultural society, and as such, a diverse range of cultures and beliefs are respected. Understanding these cultural differences can help you easily integrate into life in New Zealand based on your own values and beliefs.

    Cost of Living in New Zealand

    Cost of living in New Zealand is generally low compared to other countries. Rent is also quite reasonable and you can expect to pay anywhere from NZD500-1,000 (PHP 16,000-32,000) for a one-bedroom apartment in a city centre.

    Food is also relatively affordable, and you can expect to pay NZD150-200 (PHP 4,800-6,400) per week for groceries if you are eating a balanced diet. It is important to note that some food commodities can be expensive if imported from overseas, such as certain fruits, vegetables and seafood.

    Navigating the Labour Market

    For Filipino citizens looking to start a career in New Zealand, understanding the labour market is essential. Not only is it important to familiarise yourself with the job market and skills requirements, but also to gain an understanding of the types of employers and organisations that exist in New Zealand.

    This can include researching the different industries, making contact with potential employers and networking with established professionals in the industry. It’s also important to gain an understanding of the different labour rights and entitlements offered to workers in New Zealand.

    Social Integration

    Social integration can be one of the most challenging aspects of adapting to life in a new country. New Zealand has a strong sense of community and identity, and understanding these dynamics can help with the transition to life in New Zealand.

    There are a variety of social networks and support groups based in New Zealand for different cultures and backgrounds, and it is important to take advantage of these to ensure a successful transition.

    Transferring Funds

    One of the most important aspects of working in New Zealand as a Filipino is having access to funds. Transferring money to and from New Zealand can be a difficult process if not correctly managed. It’s important to make sure you understand all the different transfer fees, laws and regulations in order to make sure your money is transferred securely.

    Thankfully, there are now a number of easy-to-use and secure services available that enable you to transfer funds from the Philippines to New Zealand quickly and safely. These services are often used by expats who are looking to send money back to the Philippines and are a great way to ensure your finances are managed correctly.

Diana Booker

Diana D. Booker is a freelance writer and editor based in Auckland, New Zealand. She has over 20 years' experience writing and editing for various publications. Diana is passionate about telling stories that capture the spirit of the country she loves and enjoys exploring its unique culture and landscape.

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