When Will International Travel To New Zealand Resume

International Travel to New Zealand: When will it Resume?

When it comes to travelling abroad, the coronavirus has brought about a great deal of uncertainty. Some countries, such as New Zealand, have closed their borders to international travelers while others have only opened back up for certain categories of travelers. Many countries are now considering when it will be safe to allow unrestricted international travel, especially to and from New Zealand. Considering the rising number of global cases, it is unclear when it may be possible to resume unrestricted international travel to New Zealand.

Background Information

New Zealand has experienced relatively little hardship, apart from the disruption of daily life, as a result of the global pandemic. As at July 2020, New Zealand has reported just over 1,500 cases and 22 deaths, with the total number of active cases only being fifty-five. The country was able to quickly contain the virus due to a strict lockdown and border closure, as well as their contact tracing methods.

Border Closure

The New Zealand government imposed strict entry restrictions in late March 2020. As a result, flights from certain countries, including Australia, were suspended until at least June. This has resulted in a huge decrease in the number of visitors to the country, as shown in the figure below.
Number of Visitors to New Zealand
These restrictions have been extended until August, with the government stating that they are only allowing “essential travelers” such as some business travelers and those in transit through certain airports. The government is yet to make a statement on when they will allow unrestricted international travel.

Health and Safety

The New Zealand government clearly has the health and safety of its citizens in mind when deciding when to open up the borders. New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, stated in her July press conference that the main priority is to maintain the high levels of safety the country has achieved. She continued by saying that the government will take a phased approach to allowing new international travelers, eventually opening up to those from countries with low rates of coronavirus.

Experts’ Perspectives

Several experts in the fields of public health and travel, have weighed in on this issue. Dr. Rachel Griggs, a researcher from the University of Auckland, stated that “international travel will resume on a gradual basis, with careful risk assessment for each incoming traveler.” She believes that there will be high levels of control, such as thorough testing for the novel virus and in-flight restrictions. Another expert, Professor Geoffrey Tarr, believes that the government should not rush into allowing unrestricted travel. He believes that the international travel restrictions should be in place until “the pandemic is under control” in other countries.

Insight and Analysis

Overall, it is clear that the New Zealand government is taking a cautious approach to allowing international travel. The government is aware of the risk that unrestricted travel can pose to its population, so it appears unlikely that they will open up the borders in the near future. It is likely that international travel will resume in stages, allowing travelers from countries with low numbers of coronavirus cases first.

Effects on Tourism Industry

The travel restrictions imposed by the New Zealand government have had far-reaching effects on the country’s tourism industry. Between April and June, the number of international visitors to the country dropped by an astounding 94%. This has caused huge financial losses for many tourism businesses, especially those in the Wellington region. The government has offered some financial aid to these businesses, but it is clear that even with the aid provided, many are still struggling to stay afloat.

Calls from the Industry

Representatives from the tourism industry have been pushing the government to begin allowing some forms of international travel. They argue that a gradual approach to resuming travel is essential to the industry’s survival, as a complete border closure would almost certainly spell the end of many businesses. Many of these businesses are small, family-owned companies that have been around for generations, and now are facing the very real prospect of closing due to the travel restrictions.

Governments Stance

The New Zealand government has yet to make a statement regarding the reopening of the country to international travelers. However, many have speculated that the government is leaning towards allowing some form of international travel, as it is a vital part of their economy. It is also worth noting that the government has taken a generally positive view towards tourism as an economic prospect.

Insight and Analysis

It is clear that the New Zealand government is doing its best to protect the health of its citizens while taking into consideration the financial risks posed by a complete border closure. Already, the government has offered some financial aid to businesses affected by the travel restrictions, but it will be interesting to see how they balance the health and economic needs. It is likely that international travel will resume on a gradual basis, but the extent of the restrictions imposed is yet to be seen.

How to Prepare for International Travel

The restrictions and the ever-changing global situation have made it even more important for travelers to be well-prepared when travelling internationally. There is a great deal of uncertainty and it is essential to plan ahead when travelling to a new country.

Research the Country

Before travelling to a new country, it is important to research the local laws and regulations. This will help travelers to stay safe and ensure they abide by the country’s laws. The New Zealand government website is a great resource for finding out information about the country.

Travel Insurance

It is important to have adequate travel insurance when travelling internationally. As a result of the pandemic, many insurers have now created specific policies covering the risks associated with travelling during the coronavirus. It is essential to ensure that the policy covers not only medical costs, but also disruptions due to travel restrictions.

Stay Up to Date

The situation regarding international travel is constantly changing, so it is important to stay up to date with the latest developments. Many governments, including the New Zealand government, have created online resources to inform travelers of the latest changes to travel restrictions.

Insight and Analysis

Overall, it is essential for travelers to be well-prepared when travelling internationally. Doing thorough research, getting adequate travel insurance and staying up to date are all crucial steps to ensure travelers stay safe and have a successful trip.

Implications of Open Borders

The potential long-term implications of allowing unrestricted travel to New Zealand are still being considered. There are both positive and negative effects of allowing unrestricted international travel and it is important to understand these before making any decisions.

Economic Benefits

It is widely accepted that allowing unrestricted travel to New Zealand would have a positive economic effect. Tourism is an important industry for the country and a steady influx of travelers can help the country’s economy to recover from the pandemic. Increasing international travel could also give the industry a much-needed boost, allowing it to reach pre-pandemic levels in the future.

Medical Concerns

On the other hand, there are medical concerns that must be taken into consideration. As previously mentioned, the virus is still present in many countries and the risk of allowing unrestricted travel is that it could result in a new wave of cases in New Zealand. This could also be detrimental to the medical system, as a large influx of cases could overwhelm the services available.

The Balancing Act

Overall, it is clear that the New Zealand government faces a difficult balancing act when it comes to international travel. On the one hand, they must take into consideration the economic effects of opening up the border, while on the other, they must also be mindful of the medical risks associated with unrestricted travel.

Insight and Analysis

The New Zealand government faces a difficult decision when it comes to allowing unrestricted international travel. They must also take into account the potential medical risks and economic benefits before making any decisions. Only time will tell how the government will navigate this balancing act and when international travel will resume.

Valarie Bristol

Valarie B. Bristol is a passionate writer and researcher from New Zealand. She is committed to sharing her knowledge and love of New Zealand with the world. In her free time, Valarie enjoys exploring the countryside and taking pictures of the beautiful landscapes that make up the country. She also loves spending time with her family and friends, cooking, and reading.

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